Harris County Inmate Bond information

Harris County Inmate Bond information [2024]


Did you know that inmates in Harris County, Texas, can be released from jail while they wait for trial by posting a bond?

It’s called the Harris County Inmate Bond legal process, and it’s designed to help ensure that the defendant appears in court for all scheduled hearings and trial dates.

A judge sets the bond payment, which may differ depending on the harshness of the crime and the defendant’s chance of running.

If the defendant fails to attend court, the bond may be lost, and an arrest warrant may be issued.

Harris County Inmate Bonding Process

Where to post a Bond

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) will accept cash or surety bonds at 700 N. San Jacinto Street, Houston, TX 77002.


The security the accused gives ensures they will appear before the court and respond to charges against them. This can include a bail bond or a personal bond.


A written agreement, executed by the defendant or one or more sureties designated by the defendant, guaranteeing the defendant’s appearance in a criminal proceeding when required.

If the defendant fails to appear, the bond signer will pay the court the amount of money specified in the order.

Bail Bond:

A written agreement between the individual and their sureties guarantees their appearance before the court or magistrate.

Upon execution of the bail bond, the individual and their sureties must deposit funds with the county sheriff where the prosecution is pending in the bond amount.

Cash Bond:

An amount paid in full to bail someone out of jail. A cash bond can be produced using cash, cashier’s check, or money order payable to the “Harris County Sheriff’s Office.”

The bond amount paid is refundable minus a processing fee charged by the courts once the defendant resolves their case.

To post a cash bond, the person delivering the bond must provide a state-issued government identification.

Personal Bond:

The defendant’s release is based on their promise to appear for trial, and no security is required.

The defendant acknowledges their obligation to appear in court at the next hearing or trial date.

This is also known as a Personal Recognizance Bond.

Surety Bonds:

Bonds are posted through approved Harris County bonding companies that charge fees for their services.

Once bail is posted, the defendant will receive a future court date and be released from jail.

Pretrial Release Bond:

The judge granted a personal bond based on the information from Pretrial Services.

The District Clerk’s Office will send a court order to Central Records stating the bond has been approved and any special conditions of the bond.

Release on a pretrial bond means the defendant is released from custody on their promise to appear in court on the scheduled date. A Pre-Trail bond can only be approved and granted by a judge.

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